The City of Greensburg City Council meeting began at 6:30 pm on October 2, 2024.
The meeting began with the approval of the September 10, 2024, Public Hearing meeting minutes, and the September 10, 2024 meeting minutes.
Nathan Stoermer, Fire Chief received approval for Ordinance 2024-17 fees & fines for fire inspections on its second reading. The only item that had been changed since the first reading was, they removed the paragraph relating to fireworks.
Amy Borns, City Clerk-Treasurer presented the following Ordinances on second reading:
Ordinance 2024-18 City Budget 2025. Received unanimous approval
Ordinance 2024-19 Greensburg Community Schools Budget 2025. Received unanimous approval
Ordinance 2024-20 City Employee Salary Ordinance 2025- Received unanimous approval
Ordinance 2024-21 Elected Officials Salary Ordinance 2025- After discussion Jamie Cain made a motion to approve half of the mayor’s proposed stipend that was approved at the last meeting. Kevin Fleetwood seconded the motion. Yeas-Kevin Fleetwood, Rodney King, Jamie Cain, and Daryl Tressler Neas-Darrell Poling, Mark Carman, Vietta McKenzie. With the vote being 4-3 it was approved.
Ordinance 2024-22 Utility Employee Salary Ordinance 2025. Received unanimous approval.
Bryan Robbins, GDC Economic Development Corporation was going to present Resolution 2024-10 for Economic revitalization area. However, this was tabled.
Julie Nobbe, Personnel Administrator presented Ordinance 2024-23 City of Greensburg Employee Handbook updates received a unanimous approval on the first reading.
Zach Wirrig, Public Projects Director presented Ordinance 2024-24 Stormwater Fees Schedule and received approval.
The City Council members provided board and commission updates.
The meeting was adjourned.