The City of Greensburg Board of Works Meeting- 10/2/24

The City of Greensburg Board of Works meeting began at 5:30 p on 10/2/24.

The meeting began with the approval of the September 10, 2024, meeting minutes.

Julie Nobbe, Personnel Administrator discussed the Employee Handbook including changes on the Parental Leave Policy, unpaid leave of absence can be before 1 year, and a few other minor changes. She received approval and support for her to go to the City Council. Julie also received approval for the job descriptions changes that were approved.

Amy Borns, Clerk Treasurer received approval for the plan that was presented to the Greensburg Fire Department on their book agreement and how the 170 books will be sold.

Mike McNealy, Police Chief received approval for the purchase of a Dodge Charger Pursuit and the equipment needed to get the vehicle set up. He also received approval to purchase 6 handheld radios to update their inventory.

Mark Klosterkemper, Street Commissioner received approval to dispose of wooden barricades and obsolete furniture from the old building per his discretion.

Zach Wirrig, Public Projects Director received approval to purchase a Locater and Rodder. He received approval for the S. Broadway estimate for work to be completed on 11 inlets. Zach received approval to contract with the Veridus Group to develop an RFP, send out information to 200+ companies, and assist in negotiations for the old Fire Station property. This agreement is a not to exceed agreement. The mayor added that at this time they have not found any internal needs for the property.  

The board approved the claims.

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