City of Greensburg Plan Commission Meeting- 2/4/25

The Plan Commission meeting began with the election of its 2025 officers

President- Kevin Fleetwood

Vice President- Mark Burkert

Secretary- Amber Coyne

The Public Hearing to discuss the Annexation request for the property located at 1200 S. Co. Rd. 60 E. Chris Stephen, City Attorney described the request and what state statutes state about the request. The Plan Commission will provide a recommendation to approve or deny the request to the City Council.

Mindy Brown, Attorney representing the property owners stated that they are requesting to annex the property into the city of Greensburg and have the property zoned R4 which would allow the petitioners to move forward with their Senior Housing Development that will mirror the look of Crown Point Apartments. The development will be duplexes. Mindy stated that with the zoning of R4 they would offer to document that the property will not be used as multi-family or a manufactured home park. Mindy states that this annexation will help direct additional tax revenue to the city of Greensburg. Mindy stated that she had just been obtained as counsel on last Friday and asked that the commission table their request.

The commission opened the hearing for public comment and reiterated that they would only accept statements that were in line with the annexation request. Residents that live in the area stood to speak with concerns of- decreased property values, the proposed development being lower quality of the homes in that area, rise in crime, traffic becoming a “nightmare”, safety and security concerns, changing the aesthetics of the area, demographic of those moving into the development, concerns over the location being near St. Mary’s Church and School, safety for the senior population who would live in the properties, concerns with school pick up lines and increased traffic, lack of city infrastructure to support the development. A petition of 106 residents in Mill Ridge Estates was presented and entered into the record of the meeting.

The Public Hearing was closed after no further comments or requests to speak.

The regularly scheduled meeting began with the approval of the December 3, 2024, meeting minutes.

The only item on the agenda was Christian and Karen Rust are seeking voluntary annexation for property located at 1200 S. Co. Rd. 60 E.

Mindy Brown requested that this matter be tabled. The commission unanimously approved the tabling of this request.


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