Decatur County Area Plan Commission

The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.

Casey Clark requested to subdivide 2.99 acres out of 80.14 acres and rezone that 2.99 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for the construction of a single family detached dwelling. They plan to first build the house and then build accessory structures later on down the road. There is a well on the property. The property is owned by Cornerstone Agriculture, LLC in Greensburg, Marion Township. Petition 2021-20 was approved.

Thomas and Penny Powers requested to subdivide 4.00 acres out of 9.56 acres and rezone 2.99 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for the construction of a single family detached dwelling. The petitioner plans to build their son’s house there and it will be on rural water. The property is owned by the petitioner in Westport, Sandcreek Township. Petition 2021-21 was approved.

Ron Dyer requested to subdivide 3.00 acres out of 14.044 acres and rezone 2.99 acres out of those 3 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for the construction of a single family detached dwelling. They plan to build a house next year and add a well. The property is owned by Derek Dyer in Greensburg, Marion Township. Petition 2021-22 was approved.

Morgan Schofield


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