The Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Wednesday.
Charles Fogg with Greensburg Soy Processors requested a “Variance” from the required 60′ setback to a 32’ setback to put up two bins on the property. The two bins would be used for product storage and bagging. The plan is to place them between the existing building and the railroad tracks. The property is owned by the petitioner in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2023-8 was approved.
Tom & Paula O’ mara requested a
“Special Exception” to put private guest quarters in an unattached structure on the property. One of their children is planning to buy their home from them and they would like to use the existing barn as a guest home for when they visit. The property is owned by the petitioners in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2023- 9 was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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