Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals meets tonight


Decatur County Courthouse

150 Courthouse Square

1st Floor Meeting Room, Suite 106

Greensburg, Indiana 47240

AGENDA” for July 5, 2023 at 6:30 P. M.

To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Decatur County requests that participants in this meeting complete a voluntary, anonymous survey that is available on the table in the back of the room.

* Approval of Minutes: June 7, 2023.

* BZA Petition 2023-10 – Marshall Cameron isrequesting a “Variance” from the required front setback of 30’ to a front setback of approx. 0’ to build a garage. The request falls under Decatur County Ordinance #1155. The property is currently owned by the petitioner andis located just East of 6644 N CR 700 E, Rushville in Fugit Township.

* BZA Petition 2023-11 – Brian Blanton is requesting a “Special Exception” to build a pond and a “Variance” from the required 150’setback from a roadway to a setback of approx. 40’ from a roadway to build a pond. The request falls under Decatur County Ordinance #330 (1). The property is currently owned by the petitioner andis located just North of 7160 S CR 1100 W. Hartsville, in Jackson Township.

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