Decatur County Commissioners

The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday. The board approved the claims.

Mark Mohr gave an update. They took the bids for bridge 239 and they were all $80,000 over the estimated costs. This is due to the estimated costs being made last year and since then costs have skyrocketed. The council did pre approve this if the commissioners agree to it. The commissioners approved. At the last meeting they discussed having an inspection done by United Consulting on bridge 131. This will be a contract. INDOT has requested that they choose someone to sign contracts for doc sign. This will be Mark Mohr. The Westport covered bridge took major damage during the flooding over the weekend and will be closed until United Consulting can inspect it to see the extent of the damage. They were extremely lucky with the bridge on CR 400 S and were able to get the concrete poured before the rain.

Krista Duvall presented ordinance 2021-2, 2021-14, and 2021-16. These were approved.

Kenny Buening have an update. They have had 41 building inspections, 17 new building permits, and 3 red tags- 2 for building without a permit and 1 for replacing a sunroom that had been crushed by a tree and the property owners didn’t realize they needed a permit.

Sheriff Durant gave a bi-annual report. They currently have $115,000 in commissary and they have made some larger purchases this year using that money. They purchased a lawn mower of their own for their Maintenance person to use, a 2020 Ram Truck, bullet resistant vests, a used Doge Durango, and new vehicle equipment. They also purchased a money counter that can detect counterfeit bills. Sometime in the future they plan to replace a vehicle with money out of CumCap.

Shari Brancamp came to discuss her craft fair with the commissioners. The insurance for the event was never given to the courthouse although they did have it. Unfortunately that insurance did not take affect until June 18 which meant that they had held 2 craft fairs on the courthouse lawn without any insurance. There were also issues with Main Street Greensburg and their Farmers Market. Main St believes that Brancamp advertising for free vendor space diminishes the integrity of their market seeing as they use the funds from their vendor fees for a fundraiser. They also invited Brancamp to be a vendor at the farmers market on the 4th Friday of every month, which is intended to be a bigger market with more activities and entertainment, but they denied because they did not want to pay the extra fee that comes with being a vendor. Brancamp says that Main Street intimidated her and her customers trying to scare her away. The permission to use of grounds has been revoked for the craft fair until insurance is submitted and will need to be worked out with Main Street Greensburg. The request will need to be resubmitted.

The letter of engagement with Micro-Air to do lead paint and asbestos inspection of the old jail was approved.

Steve with Strand Associates provided a proposal on services they would like to cover with the demolition of the old jail. The cost came to about $21,000. The board approved to enter into the contract.

Morgan Schofield


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