$72,978.76. Thats the total in grant money that the Decatur County Community Foundation has
awarded from its final fire department disbursement and large grant cycle distributions of the year.
The mission of the Community Foundation is to create a lasting impact in Decatur County, said DCCF
Executive Director Tami Wenning. On behalf of our donors and the Foundations Board of Directors, I
am pleased to announce the most recent grants recipients who are helping us meet that goal.
Eight organizations will receive a funding boost to complete their projects based on recommendations
from DCCFs Large Grants Committee and approval from the DCCF Board of Directors. Those include: &61623; Decatur County Community Schools Social emotional learning program to meet students
social/emotional needs. &61623; Kids Closet of Decatur County Clothing needs for at-risk pre-school students. &61623; Decatur County Parks & Recreation Phase 3 of the window replacement project in the armory
gym. &61623; Girls Inc. Multi-media studio equipment to provide virtual learning curriculum at North, South
and Greensburg schools. &61623; Mainstreet Greensburg Parking, wayfinding and streetscape revitalization. &61623; Gleaners Food Bank School-based pantry program. &61623; Marion Township Volunteer Fire Dept. Electric and air cord reels to remove trip hazards
around emergency vehicles while keeping vehicles prepared for emergency use. &61623; Clarksburg Community Volunteer Fire Dept. Four spine boards for emergency, medical and
accident runs.
All projects must be completed within a 12-month window, and a final report must be submitted to the
Foundation at that time.
Letters of Intent for the next round of Large Grants will be due in mid-February. Applicants are able to
apply for up to $15,000 in funding. The next round of fire department grants will be available in the
spring of 2021.
For more information about the Decatur County Community Foundation, contact 812-662-6364 or visit