The Decatur County Council met on Tuesday.
Dottie Robbins requested to use the recorder’s perpetuation fund in order to pay a part time employee. They cannot use this fund for any part time employee who does customer service, however can if the employee is only doing document preservation. This is for up to but not limited to 4 days a week at a rate of $15 per hour. Ordinance 2022-9 was approved.
President of the animal shelter board Sue Feaster came to the board to discuss the 2023 budget changes relating to the the Animal Control Officer. The new budget for the ACO is $20,000 which would change it from a full time to a part time position. The council did approve another full time kneel tech in the budget and would like to try this for a year. If there are any problems they are always welcome to come and discuss with the council.
All transfers were approved. All additionals were approved. The per diem rate was discussed. This rate is how much they have to spend on food when away for conferences, etc.. Currently it is $24 a day and has been for the last 30 years and the state’s rate is $41 a day. The board approved $20 a day for half day and $40 a day for full days.
The board approved the adoption of the 2023 Budget for $11,653,019.
The 2023 meeting schedule was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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