The Decatur County Council met on Tuesday.
Regional Sales Manager for PHI Air Medical LLC Jill Spaulding came to the board to discuss membership for Decatur County residents. Medical flights have been increasing in Decatur County, with 20 patients flown last year by PHI, and most people believe insurance covers air medical bills fully, which they do not. If they were to approve a membership it would cover every home/resident in the county. This means that PHI would still take what insurance covers, but they would cover any out of pocket costs themselves. This would cost $6 per household with a total cost of $61,056 annually for the county. This would cover 12 months from the date signed and paid. While PHI Air Medical helicopters have St. Vincent logos on the side, the choice of hospital is completely up to the patient being transported. The price for the county annually is based upon the census done each year and so far they have had no price increases in the last 6 years for other counties covered. Decatur County does sit in the middle of 3 counties who are members of this program. There was a question on if inmates are covered in this price. Inmates can cause issues with this as they come and go throughout the county, but they can be added once they find the average inmate number and figure out the coverage cost. This was tabled for further discussion and information.
Sean Durbin with the Health Department gave an update on the Governor’s Public Health Commission. This has become Senate Enrolled Act #1. The structure of the health board will need to change due to the Act. The funding requirements and additional responsibilities were given to the council. 60% of the funds must be used for “core services”. The money can also be used in grants to agencies who are helping with key performance indicators already. They are compiling a list of partners to help improve the health of the community, which will be measured using key performance indicators, and would like the input of the council. The county is meeting most key performance indicators currently. The board tabled their appointment to the Health Department Board for further research.
Clerk Janet Howell came to the board to discuss election deputy pay and job description for Election Deputy Patricia Louagie. They have been trying to get the clerk’s office back on track after having started with one less deputy and a $10,000 budget decrease for part time. They would like to change the job title of an existing deputy to “first” and “election” deputy to help redefine the duties being performed. This deputy has saved the county thousands of dollars by taking on extra tasks. This would also come with a $5,000 pay increase, which is in their budget. This was tabled for next months meeting where they hope to have more results of the salary study.
All transfers were approved. All additionals were approved. The board approved the Form 1’s. This is to appropriate received grants for different departments.
The board approved the 2024 Budget Calendar.
Fair Booth rental will be June 10 from 10am-12pm at the Decatur County Fairgrounds.
Morgan Schofield
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