The Greensburg Board of Works met on Monday.
Josh Tressler presented the IT MOU. Two years ago the Decatur County MOU was updated to ad Tressler in. This removes him from the dispatch and creates his own section. This was approved by the Decatur County Commissioners. The IT MOU was approved. The 911 MOU was approved.
Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer requested authorization of employment. This is for candidate #4 and is a conditional offer until the state signs off. This was approved. The bids were opened for surplus equipment. One was from Hamlet Volunteer Fire Department for $25,010 and the other was from Randall Koors for $1,000. The funds will go to replenishing funds for a new fire truck. The bid was awarded to the highest bidder. The city council will also need to approve this.
Wastewater Superintendent Zeke Smith presented the Strand Task/Order Agreement. This is for the UV disinfection system that needs to be replaced. The system has been in use for about 20 years and will be obsolete on July 31. This is in their budget. This was approved. There was a request to purchase a 4-inch portable diesel lift station trash pump. This is in the budget. This was approved. A board member requested that Smith create a “wishlist” of items by priority for the future.
Street Commissioner Mark Klosterkemper opened the bids for a replacement pickup truck. 3 quotes were received from 3 local dealers. They recommend the board go with the Chevrolet truck for $33,892. This was approved.
Mayor Joshua Marsh presented his items. Change order 15 was approved. The GIS office furniture purchase for $5,449 was approved. The fitness park shade purchase was discussed. This is for shade and weather protection. Payment would come from Riverboat, 440 cumulative cap park funds, and general funds with $15,000 coming from each. This was tabled.
The claims were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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