The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.
There was a public hearing on Resolution 2023-06; a resolution of the city of Greensburg, Indiana Redevelopment Commission Amending the economic development plan for the SR 3 corridor development area economic development area. There was no public comment.
City Engineer Ron May presented the final action determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed project or other actions to be taken under the resolution, and confirming, modifying and confirming, or rescinding the resolution. This was approved. There was an update on the Residential Development project. The working group met and is in contact with several potential developers. They are waiting to hear back on interest and proposals for the project. There was an Update on Multi-Use Path Over State Road 3 and on Broadway Street Veterans Way to State Road 3. They have done work on both for red flag evaluations. They walked both projects to pinpoint any possible alternatives to proceed with more city guidance on the proposals.
The claims were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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