From Decatur County Clerk Adina Roberts
A quick reminder that the thirty (30) day comment period is ending on Thursday,
October 28 th .
Whether you are for or against the proposed Decatur County Vote Center Plan you are
welcome to send me your comments. We will be including these comments when we
go to the County Commissioners and County Council to seek their approval for the Vote
Center Plan Proposed.
You welcome to pick up a copy of the proposed plan at the Decatur County Clerk’s
Office or local library in Greensburg or Westport.
The plan has been posted on the Decatur County Website:
and on the Decatur County Clerk’s Office facebook page. Each proposal has a
comment card located in the back of the booklet for your convenience.
You are welcome to send me an email response at or
mail/drop off a response to the Decatur County Clerk’s Office, 150 Courthouse Square,
Ste. 244, Greensburg, IN 47240.
If you have any further questions on how to get a copy of the Decatur County Vote
Center Plan Proposal you can contact the Clerk’s Office at 812-663-8223.
Thank you so very much for your time and consideration.