The Indiana Department of Transportation is preparing for a winter storm expected to impact the state starting overnight Tuesday and early Wednesday.The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories for all of Indiana. NWS is calling for rain transitioning to snow south of I-70, with higher snow totals along and north of I-70. Snowfall rates of up to one inch per hour are possible at times. INDOT will be at a full call in most areas, with nearly 1,000 trucks treating and plowing state highways, interstates and U.S. routes by early Wednesday. Trucks will remain active for the duration of the storm and afterward to continue cleanup efforts.Rain and wintry mix are expected to begin late Tuesday into early Wednesday across southern Indiana, transitioning to snow across the state by mid-day. Due to rain in some parts of the state, pre-treatment will be challenging, but will occur as conditions allow. Road conditions will vary depending upon location. Impacts to morning and evening commutes on Wednesday are expected. INDOT’s goal is to keep highways passable during the storm. Motorists should closely monitor forecasts and avoid unnecessary travel during higher-impact timeframes during the storm, which are anticipated during the day on Wednesday. Those who must travel should expect to encounter slush and snow-covered roads, as well as low visibility. For drivers traveling on north-south routes like I-65 and I-69, expect conditions to worsen when approaching central Indiana, where higher snow totals are predicted.Snow showers will linger through Thursday, with a high likelihood of lake effect snow in northeast Indiana. Drivers should remember to slow down, increase following distance, give plow trucks room to work and allow plenty of extra time to reach their destinations. |