The Decatur County Area Plan Commission

The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.

Bobby Pierson requested to rezone 2 acres out of 4.171 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 Zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. This would be on the south end of the property and the driveway has been approved by the county. The property is owned by Steven and Sharon Meyer in Greensburg, Salt Creek Township. Petition 2020-24 was approved.

Shawn Green requested to rezone 5 acres from an A-2 to an I-1 Zoning classification. Green stated that it was not mandatory to state the reason for the I-1 Zoning classification, or what it would be used for, but he would give knowledge on the project if the commissioners needed him to do so. The only thing shared was that it would be minority owned and somewhat related to agriculture, however no further details were given. This property was originally zoned residential but had been changed to agriculture at the prior APC meeting. The board found issues with the idea of spot Zoning this particular piece of land, as there are no other industrial zonings around the area. The property is owned by Shawn and Sarah Green in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2020-25 failed to pass 4-2.

There was a heated discussion on the comprehensive plan as well as how the board decides when to spot zone, as they have done so in the past. Paul Stone explained how the comprehensive plan is currently being worked on but is currently being edited. Stone also explained that there has to be good reasoning and use when spot Zoning does occur, and the board does not pass things of that nature easily.

Morgan Schofield
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