From State Representative Randy Frye
Today is Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day. As such there is no session today. At this point 334 bills have been filed in the Indiana House and 370 in the Senate. Last week one bill was passed out of committee. Be the end of this week many bills will be heard on the House floor. Much of the work in early session is done in committee.
I have 2 bills I’ve authored being heard this week in committee.
SUBJECT: Income Tax Exemption for Military Pay. FIRST AUTHOR: Rep. Frye R
Summary of Legislation: The bill exempts military pay earned by members of an active component of the armed forces of the United States from the Individual Income Tax. It phases in the exemption over four years beginning in taxable year 2024. (Current law exempts from the individual income tax the military pay earned by members of the National Guard and reserve components of the armed forces of the United States while serving on active duty.)
Effective Date: July 1, 2023.
Summary of Legislation: This bill provides that a person who is imprisoned for a crime or imprisoned awaiting trial or sentencing for a crime that resulted in death or serious bodily injury to a public safety official, for a crime committed after June 30, 2023, is initially assigned to Class D and may not be assigned or reassigned to any other credit time class.
Last week the Governor gave his annual State of the State address to a joint assembly of the House and the Senate. In the address the Governor committed to helping
1. Fund Public Safety including the Indiana State Police and firefighters.
2. Funding K-12 education with an additional 1.1 billion dollar increase.
3. Regional Regions will be back in the budget. A very successful grant program promoting economic development.
HB1001 is the State Budget Bill and is currently being heard in the Ways and Means committee. The budget is expected to be in excess of 38 billion dollars.
State Representative Randy Frye