Greensburg City Council

Greensburg City Council met on Monday.

There was a discussion on tax abatement 2018-13. There have been 3 resolution proposals submitted to the council. The proposals were numbered 1-3 to help keep them in order. Resolution 1, 2021-12, states that it is substantial compliance as it is a construction headquarters next to the liquor store. Resolution 2, 2021-13, stated that there is not substantial compliance due to influences outside of Whittaker’s control, but efforts show compliance and they will allow the abatement. Resolution 3, 2021-14, stated that they are not in compliance and the abatement would be terminated. The recommendation was to go with resolution 3, to terminate, due to interpretation of Indiana code. The council felt as though this violates Indiana code due to the nature of the business. There was a motion made to accept 2021-14. Whittaker’s attorney questioned whether or not they should table this due to 2 council members being absent. The council felt as though this was unnecessary due to the Indiana code and the information received at past meetings. Resolution 2021-14 was approved.

Donna Lecher presented ordinance 2021-23 for water rate. This was approved. Ordinance 2021-24 for sewer rate was approved.

Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer opened bids for surplus equipment. One was from Hamlet Volunteer Fire Department for $25,010 and the other was from Randall Koors for $1,000. The funds will go to replenishing funds for a new fire truck. The bid was awarded to the highest bidder. The apparatus financing proposal was approved.

Ron may presented ordinance 2021-6 for stop sign changes. This is for 6 intersections which will all be posted. This was approved. Ordinance 2021-27 for traffic signal change was approved. This is for a traffic signal that needs to be removed from the ordinance as it was taken out years ago.

Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented the PTO transfer policy for transition year 2022. After they passed the employee handbook they sat down with each department to discuss the changes. One issue brought up was how unused PTO was rolled over into sick days in February. This didn’t give much time for people to use PTO and they decided to allow for it to be rolled over in October instead. This gives more time to use vacation days. This was approved. Ordinance 2021-28 for amending the handbook for civilian time was approved. This is to specify call out time. The list of encumbrances was approved.

Street Commissioner Mark Klosterkemper requested a transfer of funds. This is to pay bills. This was approved.

Morgan Schofield


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