City of Greensburg Board of Zoning Appeals meeting- 8/6/24

The City of Greensburg Board of Zoning Appeals meeting was held on August 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

The meeting began with a Public Hearing for each of the following requests. The public hearing began at 7:00 pm.

-Special Exception to build a duplex in an R-2 at 341 W. Forsythe St. Variance from development standards for setbacks for a new structure at 341 W. Forsythe St. 

No citizens had public comments for this special exception and/or variance. 

-Variance from development standards for setbacks on a new home at 824 E. Washington St. (side yard and front yard). 

A few neighbors came to the public hearing to get answers on the square footage of the house, if the home will be a one or two story, and if a survey would be completed. All citizens received answers to their questions without further concerns. The petitioner said he would like to build a very near identical home as the one that was recently torn down. 

-Use Variance for 814 E. Washington St. for individuals to board at the residence for what he considers a recovery home. 

Chris Tebbe, Attorney for Michael Reece began with his statements. He stated that Michael Reece who is son of the late Oris Reece owns and runs the property that is being discussed in this meeting. He states that Michael has been running a home that is geared towards recovery and stable housing. He said that the home is mission driven and that all tenants must be employed, no drug or alcohol use, and must be productive members of their community. He states that they do have policies and procedures for all those living in the building to follow. He said that at this time the large home can have 7 tenants and the smaller home can have 3. At this time they are fully occupied. Tebbe also explained that he was unsure of what happened to cause Oris not to have the zoning looked at prior to this operation beginning in 2017. 

During the public comment several current residents and past residents stood to speak of how this property was their ability to get out of homelessness, crime, and addiction. Many spoke directly about the heart of Michael and his “coach like abilities”. There were approximately 7 individuals who stood and spoke in support of the home and its mission. 

Kimberly Springmeyer, Executive Director of The Agape Center stood and said, “Without that home they would be on the street.” She went on to say that the homeless population is very high right now, adding that she is receiving several phone calls from individuals struggling with homelessness. She spoke highly of Oris and Michael. Kimberly said that these individuals do not go for assistance from her office or the trustee. 

Michael Reece stood and said that he has never called it a recovery center. He said that the home is meant to provide you what you need to “get cleaned up.” He emphasizes that in order to stay you must be gainfully employed. He said he works to give them structure. He ended his statement by saying, “Not everyone in this house is damaged goods.” Michael did say that each room has an alphabetical letter on each door to separate who has which room. He did say that all residents utilize one mailbox and he separates the mail from different rooms. They do have one room that has a coed sleeping arrangement. The length of stay has been as long as 5-7 years. 

Many neighbors and concerned citizens took the podium and over the next 1.5 hours gave examples of concerns that they have witnessed or heard about. These concerns are nudity, foul language, pouring a bag of urine in the street, excessive cars parked on the street and the yard, police involvement, sex offenders being housed, excessively loud music, smell of marijuana, lack of respect for neighbors, and decreasing home values. The overwhelming comments were fear of safety and lack of organization for the home as a “recovery home”. Neighbors all agreed this is a boarding facility and not what is known as a recovery home. 

One neighbor came to the board named Leah stating that she is in the middle of her home sale and is concerned this issue is going to prevent her buyers from closing on the sale of the home. The buyer’s agent was also in attendance and stood to ask questions. 

Sarah Hamer, City of Greensburg Building Commissioner went to the podium to present her investigation findings. She said that she began her position in 2020, and at that time the extension on this home was being built. She originally questioned the legality of having the second home/garage built on one parcel, however, the prior individual in the position said that it was legal as long as the two buildings were connected with a breezeway or a building of some kind. 

During this time Sarah said that she spoke with Oris and was told that he and his foster son were moving into the original home and Michael and his son were going to move into the 2nd home on the parcel. 

Sarah states that when she began to receive multiple calls of complaints which go along with what neighbors are saying above she began to investigate this deeper. She called Michael Reece and asked him to come into her office so they could talk. She said to the BZA she typed up that conversation and they could review that. Then said that she explained to Michael that this was set up like a hotel and that he could not run a business out of his home especially when it is zoned residential, she pointed out that he is charging rent like a hotel or boarding facility would do, and explained to Michael that he needs to seek a variance and how to do that. Sarah states that she met with Michael again and some of the tenants and provided information on the housing authority in Decatur County. She said following her discussion with Michael she received a call from attorney Chris Tebbe stating that he is representing Michael Reece with this matter. She added that during her meetings with Michael he never used the term recovery home. She stated that it wasn’t until the application for variance was filed that the home was called a “recovery home.”

The last Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:47 pm. 


The Board of Zoning Appeals meeting began at 8:48 pm. 

The board approved the June 4, 2024 meeting minutes.

– Nick Gauck is requesting a special exception to allow for a duplex to be built at 341 W. Forsythe St. which is zoned an R-2. He is also requesting a variance for setbacks on this new structure. 

This was approved. 

 – Larry Colson, 824 E. Washington St. is seeking relief from front and side yard setbacks for rebuilding a home on a 40 ft. wide lot. 

This was approved

– Michael Reece, 814 E. Washington St. is seeking a use variance to be able to rent out individual rooms for a “recovery home.

The board asked several questions of Mr. Reece concerning fire safety, if he lives at the property, how many total renters he currently has, if he the home is truly a Recovery Home, If he does drug testing, if every room has an egress in case of fire, and the average length of stay. 

The board voted with all members voting not to approve his variance application. They stated that this home has no organization and is not a recovery home. One member of the board said this is a boarding home. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 pm.

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