City of Greensburg Water Board Meeting- 8/6/24

The City of Greensburg Water Board met on August 6th, 2024 at 6:00 PM.

The meeting began with the approval of the July 2, 2024 meeting minutes.

Rick Denny, Water Plant Superintendent Came to the board to discuss SRF Potential projects and to receive approval to move forward with the prerequisites that are needed to move forward with those projects. Denny spoke about several different areas that need updated water lines that have been identified by recent water main breaks and leaks. The board did approve for Rick to move forward with his current plan.

Rick Denny, presented a quote for Christopher Burke Engineering for the amount of $5000 for dam inspections that are required to be completed every two years. It was pointed out that this firm has completed the last 10 to 12 years of inspections for the City of Greensburg with no issues or concerns. The water board did approve this quote. 

The Water Board voted to enter into an agreement with HNTB to complete the PER update for the amount of $64,000. This will also be needed to apply for the SRF for projects that will occur in the future. 

Rick submitted the July 2024 MRO and was reviewed by the board. 

The meeting was adjourned.

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