The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.
Robin Carmer came to the board for Hillbilly Corner. The commissioners sent back her proposal with a recommendation to revise the area of land being rezoned. Their concern is not with the currently property owner, as they support their business, but rather with any future owner who could abuse the rezone. Carmer requested the petition be tabled again to be further looked at. They agree with the commissioners that the rezone may be too much and that a permanent special exception would be a better route to go. Petition 2022-7 was tabled.
Nick Tuttle requested to subdivide 8 acres out of 20.97 acres and rezone 2.99 acres out of that 8 from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single family detached dwelling. This is for their dream home to be built. The septic has been approved. The property is owned by Rebecca Lentz in Greensburg, Marion Township. Petition 2022-14 was approved.
Steve Ruble of Strand Associates for Decatur County Highway Department is requesting to rezone 42.140 acres from an A-1 to a B-3 zoning classification for construction of a new Decatur County Highway Garage. They will have use of city water and sewer. The empty space will be used for parking during the fair and Power of the Past as needed. The property is owned by the Decatur County Board of Commissioners in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2022-15 was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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