The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday. The board approved the claims.
Mark Mohr gave an update. They are continuing to finish bridge 239 on Washington Street. They are currently waiting on railing to get back from powdered coating. They worked on a smaller structure on Base Road and have started to prepare for winter and have a couple trucks ready to go.
Kenny Buening gave an update. There have been 39 building inspections, 9 new permits, and 1 red tag on a final inspection that has been fixed. A homeowner did request a letter for their insurance company about an underground burned house. The fire didn’t damage the foundation of the home so the homeowners must build using the remaining foundation.
Sheriff Durant came to the commissioners requesting gas cards. This will be in line with the state bid rate and will be $2 a month per card. The more gas they buy the less the fees are and if they spend enough on gas then the $2 fee can be waived. This would help them save money as well as keep track of gas usage and can be used at most gas stations. This was approved. There was a discussion on the longevity pay in the Sheriff’s budget that was uneasily approved by the county council. This is now on the commissioners’ hands on whether or not they allow this to stay in the budget, as they have to write the ordinance that allows it. The longevity pay would give incentive for the detention staff to stay in the jail as it is a difficult job and most people don’t make it to 20 years which is the cap for the pay. The Sheriff believes it is not fair to those who have been working there for 10+ years to receive the same pay as someone who has worked there for a year. The commissioners would have to write a personnel policy and modify the current ordinance for this to be instated, and they are not asking for any additional funds. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
Paul Pank and Dale Crites with the ARC of Decatur County came to the commissioners to thank them for continuing to support them. Their money helps people who cannot be employed in a normal setting of life maintain their own living. The commissioners stated that they appreciate all that ARC does.
Minde Myers with the animal control board came to the commissioners to discuss Animal Medical charging a $50 refundable charge for appointments and to create a contract between Animal Hospital and the county. This refundable fee is to help people keep their appointments as many have been not showing up. Myers requested that they be allowed to advertise for these fees as the shelter can’t keep absorbing the costs. The commissioners believe that this is an animal control board responsibility but they are sympathetic with the issues.
Rick Anderson with Energy Solution came to the commissioners to discuss the utilities situation within the courthouse. The utilities rate in Indiana is not going down and they are trying to come up with ideas to save energy and operational money but also lock in their rates for the next 25 years. They are helping them to be proactive and stop wasting money. If they don’t meet the savings guarantee, they’ll write a check to the county. They will be having a more in depth meeting on the first December commissioners meeting.
There was a discussion on redistricting. In the year following the census, they have to either certify that they are not changing the districts or they must redistrict. It is not mandatory for populations to be equal but it is recommended that they are. The ideal district is 8,700 people and the current districts are not equal. Mark Koors said that as commissioners their biggest issues are taking care of the roads and county buildings. There are no county roads in Greensburg except for a few bridges and the courthouse which has added to this unequal districting. Originally the districts were distributed by road miles and not population. The county also has yet to receive the 2020 census records by precinct. This was tabled.
There was a request for use for the Jaylin Strong Turkey noodle drive thru benefit for November 13. This was approved pending proof of insurance.
The EDIT plan was approved. The IT credit card was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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