Decatur County Commissioners

The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday. The board approved the claims.

There was a correction to the minutes regarding the election board approval. This is to include that they will run plans by the county commissioners and council if the state allows.

There was a discussion on payroll. Discrepancies were found between the payroll and the longevity pay for multiple departments. This was tabled for more information.

Mark Mohr gave an update. There is a stop sign that is now placed at the intersection of CR 1000 S and Millhousen Rd. This has had an ordinance written and has been properly advertised. They have been working on bad culverts and continue to run the bushwhacker and patch. There will be an unofficial detour on 421 for a bridge replacement by INDOT. This will be from March to July. The detour was approved.

Erika Free came to the board to notify them on a COVID stipend. They will be requesting this from the county council for the next paycheck on Friday for the dispatchers. They are not asking for any funds, just a transfer of funds. The amount dispatchers receive will be reliant on how long they have worked there during COVID. This will be looked at at the next council meeting.

There was a discussion on the Gatewood litigation settlement. This is a federal lawsuit filed by the Gatewoods. Around 12-14 years ago they filed for bankruptcy however the treasurers office did not input this information into the system. As a result, all of the numbers for payments are off. They are requesting approval of a settlement that will return payments that should not have been paid of around $29,000. The costs and expenses of this will be an additional $5,350. This was approved.

The board approved to re-certify the lines currently drawn for districting.

The board agreed that next year there will be a standard nepotism statement sent out for all departments to sign.

Morgan Schofield


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