The Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners met on Thursday.
The Mayor reappointed both Bill Ernstes and Jon Dooley to the board. The elected officers for 2023 are as follow: President Bill Ernstes and Vice President Jon Dooley
There was a financial report given to the board. The total for all accounts is $441,833.85.
Paul Shafer with BF&S gave an update on construction. HIS Contractors are offsite and will not need to return in Spring. O’Mara Contractors have currently been onsite working on trees and plan to be done by April 1. They hope to have everything onsite and ready for the next step of the project once Spring comes and the weather allows. The board approved the last payment for progress estimate 14 for $41,498.03. The board approved the substantial completion for HIS Contractors. The board approved AIP 16 for close out documents on runway 119 drain and grade phase.
Don Tribbett gave an update. The only pending litigation is the Robbins Family Trust litigation. It was recommended that the board have a settlement offer of $54,290.50 45 days in advance of the court date of March 13. This was approved.
Airport Manger Jerry Scheidler gave an update. Everything is running as usual at the airport with the hangar list continuing to grow. There was a request by several customers who wished to lease land and build their own hangars. If they were to go this route, the airport would need to prep the leased land for drainage before construction would begin.
The bills were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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