Greensburg City Council met on Tuesday.
There was a discussion held on ordinance 2022-16 an alley vacation on Washington Street. The motion to vacate the alley died.
City Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented ordinance 2022-20 for the Greensburg Community School Corporation 2023 Budget. This was approved.
Kristin McClellan with Ice Miller LLP and Director of the Greensburg Library Vanessa Martin presented resolution 2022-05 for the Greensburg Public Library issuance of bonds. They plan to use these funds for more accessibility at the library, an outdoor area for programs, new AV equipment, leaky window fixes, and a drive up book drop. They want the library to be comfortable and enjoyable as well as accessible for everyone. This is a $1.485 million bond. This was approved.
Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented several ordinances. Ordinance 2022-18 to establish new fund number (Active Shooter Equipment Grant Fund) was approved. Ordinance 2022-19 to establish new fund number (Education Grant Fund) was approved. Ordinance 2022-21 City of Greensburg 2023 Budget was approved. Ordinance 2022-22 for 2023 Elected Officials Salary was approved. Ordinance 2022-23 for City Employees Salaries was approved.
Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer invited everyone to the Fire Prevention Week Chili Supper on October 7 from 4-7pm.
Trick or Treat will take place on Monday, October 31 from 5 pm to 8 pm.
The police department will have a booth at the Fall Festival for meet and greets with the community.
There was a discussion and presentation on the Fire Station and Street Department campus. The location will be on the corner of Broadway and Barachel Drive. There is potential for a signalized intersection here due to the fire trucks pulling in and out. This will sit on a 20 acre parcel and be on a continuation of Barachel Drive. Their next steps will be looking at bond financing, getting approval, and construction designs. If all stays on track, construction would begin in January or February of 2023. There is no projected tax impact on the 1% home owners of the city and they are working toward a tax neutral project. This was approved to move forward.

The Board of Works requests that city council create a task force to look at the stormwater utility rate ordinance. This is due to the high number of appeals received in only 2 months.
Morgan Schofield
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