“AGENDA” for August 7, 2024 at 7:00 P. M. – NOTE: Time Change
There are Title VI forms in the back of the room if anyone wants to complete the anonymous survey.
- Minutes March 6, 2024
- Minutes May 1, 2024
- BZA Petition 2024-6 Kyle Lowery is requesting a “Variance” from the required 70’ (from the center
of the road) front setback to approx. 35’ from the center of the road to build a 30 X 40 building. The
request falls under Decatur County Ordinance 945. The property is currently owned by the petitioner
and is located at 393 E County Rd 580 N, Greensburg in Clinton Township. - BZA Petition 2024-2 Franciso Galeano of RWE Clean Energy / Greensburg Solar LLC will
present BZA Petition 2024-2 requesting a “Special Exception” to place Commercial Solar Energy
Facilities on several parcels. The request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Article 20. The
property is currently owned by 15 property owners and is located in Washington & Clinton Township.