6:30 p.m.
LOCATION CHANGE: Greensburg Community High School
Auditorium, 1000 E Central Avenue, Greensburg.
Enter through Door 1S.
Agenda for August 7, 2024 Meeting – Note Time Change
There are Title VI forms in the back of the room if anyone wants to complete the anonymous survey.
- Approval of July 10, 2024 Minutes
- APC Petition 2024-12 – Randall Stone – requesting to subdivide two (2) approx. 2.1 acre parcels out
of 4.208 acres and rezone approx. 2.10 acres on each parcel from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2
zoning classification to sell as buildable parcels. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance
Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by Randall & Beverly Stone and is located west
of 5855 W County Rd 500 S, Greensburg in Sand Creek Township. - APC Petition 2024-14 – Dennis Tebbe – requesting to subdivide an approx. 3-acre parcel and an
approx. 1.5-acre parcel out of the 40.654-acre parcel and rezone approx. 2.99 acres of parcel #1 and
approx. 1.5 acres of parcel #2 from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for
construction of a single-family detached dwelling on each parcel. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 6813 E CR 200 N, Greensburg in Fugit Township.