Westport Town Council

Westport Town Council met on Monday. The council signed the funeral deeds, payroll vouchers, adjustments, and monthly bills.

There was an update on the Westport Water Projects. There were 2 pay estimates, one from Thienaman and one from Dave O’Mara, both were approved. There was a change order for a deduction of $221,176 that was approved. The council approved for the stormwater study to proceed.

Jim Higgins came to the board to discuss the rate study ordinance. The wastewater project is a $9 million project that the town is taking on. They have been awarded $2.5 million from Swift grant funds and $4 million from Rural Development, placing them at $6.5 million towards their project goal. For the remaining $2.5 million needed, Rural Development agreed to loan the remaining amount over a 40 year term at a 1.375% rate. The rate for the average user would then go from $62.25 to $81.24. Without the grants received, the rate would have gone up to around $170. The recommendation was to introduce this new rate over a 2 year period. Resolution 2022-2 for the town to proceed with the bond, was approved. Ordinance 2022-1, for the rate study, was approved on the first reading. The board approved Higgins to do the bonding work for the council.

The board reviewed the zoning requests to be sent to county APC and BZA. There was a request to split a property into 2 parcels. This was approved so long as the water and driveway easement are settled properly. Another property is requesting to be rezoned B3. This was approved. There was a request to keep and bottle feed a calf in a registered historical carriage house on a property. It was recommended that they give this request to Krista Duvall in the courthouse.

There was a request for a water bill adjustment due to a water leak that has been fixed. This was approved.

Resolution 2021-1 for the 2021 fund transfer for the 2021 budget was approved.

The council is allowed to place “no trucks” sign along any roads that are not controlled by INDOT. It was recommended for legal reasons that they get an engineer to do a road study to justify these sign placements. This was tabled.

Morgan Schofield


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