The Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Wednesday.
The 2023 BZA officers are as follow: President- Brad Schutte, Vice President- Gary Fischer, and Secretary- Rick Hoeing.
David Culeton with REVLNG and Hulsbosch Farm LLC requested a “Special Exception” in an A-1 zoning classification to build an Anaerobic Digester on this property. The Hulsbosch family had done a lot of research on this project when they came across REV LNG. They went to other farms who had the same operation set up and found they shared a lot of the same values and concerns on how they wish to run their farms. The model for the project was created with a company that specializes in liquid gas in an effort to support long term sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint. The project would be limited to the Hulsbosch Farm, however will require a an injection station into the main pipeline in Marietta County, which could support other small farms who wanted to build an operation as well. REV would be in charge of all transportation of gas as well as operation, while the farm is in charge of the main fence of the system. This project would help reduce odor, lower the number of trucks coming to the farm by a few hundred every year (thus saving on gas), and would completely eliminate the methane gas from the manure from going into the atmosphere. The product of the operation is clean, pipeline ready gas. There was a favorable recommendation from the technical review committee. The property is owned by Hulsbosch Farm LLC in Greensburg, Jackson Township. Petition 2023-1 was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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