Hoosier Author Returns to Greensburg for Book Signing at The Branch

Hoosier author and contributing writer to Chicken Soup Soul, William Clark, will be signing his books and two new releases at The Branch Coffee House in downtown Greensburg on Tuesday, October 8th, from 9 to 11. 
     Bill is a former pastor of Waldron CRC.  This is his ninth year of book signings.  The timely, The American Peacemaker – Healing the Great Divide and his new two volume, entertaining short story collection, A Walk on the Sunny Side, are his two  new releases.  He will also have a good selection of Chicken Soup for the Soul books and popular Christian books (up to half off).  He will have a very popular selection of collectible children’s books.
      Books by William Clark will give 15% of the proceeds to The Branch Community Fund.  For the past nine years, he has helped support the oldest and largest homeless mission in our country, Pacific Garden Mission.

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